Rebates and Claims

Workplace Injuries (RTWSA)

Workplace Injuries

90% of serious work related claims in Australia are due to injuries and musculoskeletal disorders.

Physiotherapy often plays a significant role in the management and prevention of these musculoskeletal workplace injuries and in assisting the return back to work.

Free workplace injury prevention downloadable

Workplace injuries being claimed via Worker's Compensation must be referred by a GP or medical specialist and the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Scheme will support the worker to get the help they need. This involves covering the costs of treatment expenses for physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Hindmarsh Physio and Sports is recognised as providers under the RTWSA (Return to work SA) WorkCover scheme.

With an approved RTWSA claim number, there are no out-of-pocket charges for the Physiotherapy treatment you receive relating to your injury. We will communicate with your claim agency to provide you with a rehabilitation program, management plans and  treatment to help you recover from your injury and return to your full work capabilities as soon as possible. Worksite visits, communication with all health professionals and case conferences are often part of the recovery process.

If you experience an injury at work- 

  • Notify the appropriate personnel at work, 
  • See your GP or occupational Doctor
  • Discuss the option of Physiotherapy and a obtain a referral. Early intervention and Treatment can help improve outcomes and speed of recovery
  • Contact RTSWA with your employer to lodge your claim
  • Receive your Claim number and inform our clinic. If your claim is accepted the physiotherapy costs will be covered by the assigned Workcover Insurer.

At the Hindmarsh Physiotherapy Clinics we have a wealth of experience in the treatment of Workplace injuries ranging from the repetitive or overuse injuries to those from traumatic episodes. Early assessment and treatment is very important. If you have a musculoskeletal injury speak with your treating Doctor about commencing Physiotherapy quickly.

A combination of Medical and Physiotherapy treatment will help identify contributing factors, aid in the healing process and get you back to normal activities as soon as possible. Our experienced Physios understand that it is not only work that is impacted by your injury and the frustration of not being able to resume all normal activities.

Physiotherapy includes not only acute workplace injury treatment, but also the ongoing management of longer standing problems. Injuries that are treated immediately are proven to have a faster return to work and reduced Work cover claims. Longer injuries may have not have had physiotherapy and this needs to be considered to help with your recovery.

Education and advice is an important part of management of all injuries especially those concerning your everyday work. Our free PDF on Work Related Injuries and How to Prevent Them discusses some of the most common injuries and how to prevent them

Treatment may initially involve hands on therapy, prescription of corrective exercises and advice on avoiding further aggravation to the injury. As symptoms settle it is often important to progress your home exercise programme to incorporate stretching and strengthening exercises. Movement is essential to restoring function and modulating pain, remembering that inactivity leads to muscle tightness and weakness.

As painful symptoms settle, a more structured and supervised exercise programme will be increasingly effective in conjunction with identifying work postures and procedures that may be aggravating your injury. Home programmes, gym or hydrotherapy off site and our Hindmarsh on-site gym are all options to help restore full function.

Education on how to avoid further injury and resolve the problem if it were to resurface in the future is also an integral part of our physiotherapy treatment and preventative approach.

Therapeutic aids and devices are sometimes indicated as often a brace or sitting support is required in the early stages to help support an injured joint or help maintain the body in the correct position for healing. It is important to have a qualified Physiotherapist correctly assess and prescribe these aids so that they are of maximum benefit. The wrong, inadequate or ill fitting support may hinder progress.

We keep many supports in stock and can access prescribed supports the next day for the more specialised aid.

A successful recovery from a work injury relies on effective communication between the injured worker, the employer, the worker's doctor, the case manager, the rehabilitation consultant and the physiotherapist. Our Physiotherapists recognise this need and are able to work in conjunction with your team to develop a cohesive and successful return to work plan.

As part of an integrated health team we strive to provide a quick response to your updated medical recommendations.