
Physio for runners

Physio for Runners

As physiotherapists, we see a wide range of common running injuries in our  clinic

Common Running Injuries

There’s no denying that running has its physical and mental perks, yet many do sustain injuries. In fact,  to up 70% of recreational and competitive runners sustain overuse injuries during any 12-month period has been reported.

Running is a great way to exercise. It is easily accessible, you only need yourself and a pair of shoes, it doesn’t have a weekly subscription fee, and it is so convenient.

However there is an alarmingly high rate of injury in the running population.

Runners frequently present with:

  • Shin splints
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • ITB syndrome
  • Runner’s knee (patellofemoral pain syndrome)
  • Hamstring strains or tendinopathy

Why does Running have a High Injury Rate?

 1.     Overuse/Overload:

More than 80% of running injuries are overuse injuries where there is a mismatch in load you are placing on the body and the amount of load the body can  tolerate.

Load in this case is running load – distance, speed, frequency etc.

Overload becomes problematic when the amount you increase exceeds what your body can tolerate.

2.     Previous injury:

Previous injury is one of the key predicting factors for future injury.

After an injury it is common to experience changes in strength, muscle and joint tightness, and loss of coordination in both the injured area and surrounding areas.

These changes lead to imbalances throughout the body, which predispose you to overload and injury.

3.     Recovery:

Another common cause of injury is putting too much focus on running and neglecting recovery.

The most important aspect of recovery is listening to your body. Symptoms like muscle tightness, joint aches, general fatigue, and pain are the body’s way of letting you know to slow things down or get professional advice.

Recovery also involves taking care of areas in the body that may be getting overworked. Stretching tight muscles or performing targeted mobility exercises for stiff areas is an important part of keeping the body moving in the long run.

Physio for Runners

Normally, there is more to an injury than meets the eye.

Often, we see clients who present with long-term injuries that haven’t resolved and it can be hard to determine what is really causing the pain.

A physiotherapist’s role is to:

  • Identify potential musculoskeletal problems that may be contributing to an injury.
  • Assess for movement imbalances left behind from old injuries or niggles.
  • Determine whether your training load is acceptable for your current ability or whether it needs modifying.
  • Provide appropriate treatment and exercises to address the problems that were identified.

And remember, you don’t have to be in pain to see a physiotherapist.

If you are just starting to run, our physios can assess for any movement imbalances and evaluate your gait for potential problems.