
Physio for seniors

Physio for Seniors

Our physiotherapy services for older Australians provides you advice and support  needed to keep active, independent and injury-free. Our primary goal  is to help maintain  independence, mobility, decrease pain and increase strength.

In addition to our individual and caring hands on sessions, we provide evidence-based group exercise classes that focus on improving strength, balance , mobility and making activities of daily living easier.

Seniors have aliments and physiotherapy needs that are unique and require a special approach that is more gentle than traditional forms of physio treatment. 

Our approach to our older clients is to work at the limits of mobility that they are capable of, but to be sure that they do not push themselves beyond those limits. We find with this approach the physical mobility limits of our patients usually expand and resolve by themselves. With this method, our physiotherapists can help with the treatment of many conditions, including the following:

Conditions we can help with

  • Arthritis
  • Improving strength and muscle tone
  • General mobility and independence
  • Neurological disorders (Parkinsons, stroke)
  • Reducing stiffness and tightness
  • Walking aid prescription
  • Improve mobility and independence
  • Rehabilitation after ortho surgery (hip replacements, knee replacements)
  • Preparation for ortho surgery (hip placements, knee replacements)

While we mainly support our more senior clients at our Hindmarsh Clinic where we can provide services, equipment and facilities, we are also able to visit clients in their homes or aged care residence. This can be on a private basis or via approved home care packages and providers that we have a service agreement with.

When a person is receiving a homecare package, they can receive Allied Healthcare either through their homecare provider, or engage with external providers too.

If you or someone you know could benefit from our physiotherapy care for seniors please contact us on 8346 2000 so we can discuss the best way forward.