Pilates & Classes

Exercise Classes

Group classes

Group classes offer some advantages to help people improve and maintain their health

These include

  • Connection with other people in a similar situation – Often, when you’ve had an injury or a recovering from surgery, exercising in a group situation can gain positive connections with others, working towards a common goal and helping support each other.
  • Combining social and exercise – Sharing an experience with others brings a social context to rehab. This can help increase enjoyment and motivation, key indicators in longer term success and outcomes.
  • Context – Everyone has days they may struggle or relapse slightly, but you’re not alone. Sharing stories or experiences with other people helps give context and perspective to your recovery.
  • Commitment and motivation – Exercising as part of a group helps you commit to your goals; you are more likely to help support your peers and be motivated to continue.

However if group rehab isn’t your thing, or our class times are not compatible with your other commitments, we also offer a one-to-one rehab service so you can be provided with a structured rehab program to go and do in your own time at home or even in our gym.

Whichever class or program you may be interested in, all our programs are individually designed for your situation. It is not a one size fits all. This requires an Initial assessment session to understand your existing situation, level of fitness, movement quality and goals. It is followed by an individual exercise session where you commence your program and exercises under the guidance of our physio or exercise physiologist. After this you should be good to go ! 

Some of the classes we  offer

General strength and conditioning: better movement  and strength for improved lifestyle and performance, but also on preventing injury.

Nifty Knees:  We use the GLAD principles of training and education for both our knee and hip strengthening classes.

Falls prevention - Bend and Balance: A  stronger emphasis on Balance, combined  with mobility and strength exercises.

Back into Life :  designed for those suffering with pain and limitations from back pain that are looking for a way to get moving, stronger and more flexible.

Pre and Post Surgery Rehab: physiotherapy and exercise-based programs that are specifically designed for people who are about to or have recently undergone surgery

Exercise Physiologist classes: These include Government funded FREE Diabetes Exercise Classes, Private, DVA and RTWSA, balance, general strength and conditioning.

Chronic disease management , Pulmonary rehab, cardiac rehab, osteoporosis strengthening and more. 

Contact us to request more information.

Get in touch

If you’d like to make an appointment call us on 8346 2000 and we will find the right Physio for you. Or if you prefer, schedule a personalised consult right now with one of our caring Physiotherapists experienced in assessment, management and treatment by requesting a booking here. We would love to help you soon.

Visit our Facebook page to get to know us a little better with great tips, free resources and information.