
Low Back Pain

Low back pain

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions with which patients present to our Physiotherapists. We will work with you to help reduce pain medication, get you moving again and return to normal activities as soon as possible.

For extensive information on managing your back pain - Download our GUIDE ON MANAGING YOUR BACK

The Spine

The spine is an amazing and complex mechanical device. It is strong enough to support our entire body yet flexible enough to allow a range of movements. It is comprised of a system of interlocking components including : the vertebral bones, the shock absorbing discs, the facet joints guiding the spinal movements, the ligaments holding the vertebrae together, the associated nerves and the muscles not only controlling and producing movement but providing stability.

Why do we get low back pain

Low back pain may reflect poor function of the muscles, joints, bones, discs or ligaments of your spine with irritation or compression of the nerves resulting from this dysfunction leading to referred pain and sciatica. What is Sciatca

Most low back pain follows injury or trauma to the back, but pain may also be caused by degenerative conditions and poor muscle control. Additionally, scar tissue created when the injured back heals itself does not have the strength or flexibility of normal tissue. Build up of scar tissue from repeated injuries eventually weakens the back and can lead to more serious injury. Injuries to these structures may be due to poor posture, repetitive tasks and incorrect lifting techniques.

If you would like our Physio's Guide to understanding and managing Back pain, just follow this link : Managing Back Pain or check out our Blog section for more great information

How Physiotherapy can help

It is important you don't ignore your pain. The Physiotherapists at Hindmarsh Physiotherapy have the compassion, knowledge and experience to deliver highly effective results.

Your Physiotherapist will undertake a detailed assessment to determine the exact causes of your lower back pain. Pain does not always equate to tissue damage. The severity of pain from low back problems is often unrelated to the extent of physical damage present.

Your physiotherapy treatment aims to provide relief from your symptoms, promote healing, restore function to poorly moving spinal joints, as well as reducing muscle tension and increasing muscle strength. This results in improved movement, reduced pain and decreased nerve irritation. Joint mobilization, soft tissue release and stretching, Pilates, postural correction, electrotherapy and dry needling may be part of the co-ordinated approach to address the underlying causes of your pain.

Maintaining improvement

Importantly exercises may be the most effective way to speed your recovery from low back pain. They are also important in the long term management of back health. Maintaining and building muscle strength is a valuable part of establishing a successful exercise program for you. A graduated and specific home program and progression to our on- site Pilates studio form the foundations of our rehabilitation programs. A close working relationship with local gyms and hydrotherapy pools add a further step when required.

Persistent low back pain

Persistent low back pain is back pain that has lasted longer than 6 weeks. Sometimes it can be nonspecific which means the cause is not readily identifiable, but never the less can be disabling and affect your quality of life.

A combination of hands on therapy, education and exercises will be part of the management approach. Different aspects of pain management may also need to be discussed and appropriate professional referral where indicated.

Scientific research continues to assert the effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions in the management of both acute and chronic back pain.

With our Physiotherapist's detailed assessment, treatments tailored to the individual, preventative advice and specific exercise programs, we aim to help you return to your normal activities as soon as possible. 

For extensive information on managing your back pain - Download our GUIDE ON MANAGING YOUR BACK