Corporate & Pre employment

Corporate Health

Comprehensive Workplace Health and Injury Prevention Services

The health status of your employees plays a significant role in the health status of your business. At Hindmarsh and Fitzroy Physiotherapy, our Physiotherapists are qualified and experienced in preventing and managing postural related pain and overuse injuries, aiming to detect, prevent and optimise the management of your workplace health.

Ergonomic workstation assessment and correction.

This is vital for your staff to prevent injury and occurrences of accidents, including RSI and other work related injuries. We can identify areas that predispose clients to injury and address them in the early stages before they become a more serious problem. Our Physiotherapists are able to assess your working environment and provide recommendations to ensure the workplace is organised correctly, address the worker's existing problems and prevent further pain and injury.

Personalised exercise programs for individual employees.

Our main focus incorporates clinical Pilates to improve posture and stability of the spine and joints. Strengthening the lower abdominals, core, back muscles and other joint stabilisers of the body prevent injury and alleviate pain caused from office and manual work environments. Combined with this is an emphasis on correct posture and postural correction exercises for work, home and recreational activities.

This approach aids in empowering your employees to manage their working postures and how to be active about injury prevention.

Injury Management services for your employees

Workplace injuries being claimed via Worker's Compensation must be referred by a GP or medical specialist. Physiotherapy services include acute workplace injury treatment and also the ongoing management of longer standing problems. Injuries that are treated immediately are proven to have a faster return to work and reduced Workcover claims.

Injury education seminars covering a variety of topics suitable for the office or workplace.

  • Ergonomics
  • Prevention of back and neck pain, and head ache
  • Pilates
  • Fitness, health and general well-being

These seminars can be tailored to suit the needs of your workplace, are usually a minimum of one hour in duration and they can be performed on site at your workplace.

Your company can benefit through reduced workers compensation claims and premiums, less employee absenteeism and healthier staff. Staff will not only feel better, but can be more productive and need less time off for management of established injuries. These benefits will contribute to a better and safer working environment, and your employees will also appreciate the care and attention into their working conditions.

Please contact us for how we can help you manage your working environment.