Why does my jaw click ...Physio for TMJ
Why does my jaw click?
If you have ever felt a click or pop when you open your mouth – you may wonder what this is.
Or maybe when you have been chewing on some food it constantly makes clicking noises? This is a common occurrence as up to 60-70% of the population will experience a dysfunction of the jaw at some point in their life. Good news is that it’s also very treatable by a physiotherapist.
The main symptoms people report generally include:
- Clicking or popping within the jaw
- Decreased ability to open the mouth wide
- Difficulty biting down, particularly on hard foods such as carrots, apples
- Inability to fully clench the jaw shut
- Grinding or clenching of the jaw at night is also common
- Neck pain, ear ache/pain, headaches and ringing in the ear can also be symptoms associated with jaw dysfunction
- Guide to our free Physio resource on managing Neck and Shoulder Pain HERE
The jaw is made up of the temporal bone (part of the cranium) as well as the mandible. Together they make up the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ). There is a small articular disc which divides the two bones up and provides a smooth fluid movement at the joint. There are lots of ligaments around the jaw which provide stability. The many muscles of the jaw are also complex working together to do 4 main movements- Elevation, Depression, Protrusion and Retraction.
Your TMJ or jaw is one of the most used joints in your body on a daily basis. Your TMJ is involved when you eat, talk, yawn, show emotions and even when you breathe.
Some of the causes of TMJ dysfunction include:
Why does my jaw ‘click’? Exactly what is happening?
When you hear your jaw clicking, it is often a result from the articular disc being displaced. This can be due to a variety of reasons such as lax ligaments, muscle imbalances, arthritis, clenching/grinding teeth, trauma or sleep apnea. Treating these underlying issues can help get your jaw moving well with no pops or clicks
How can Physiotherapy help?
Treatment techniques are aimed at improving/restoring the normal alignment of the jaw and we may use a variety of soft tissue techniques. We aim to release the tight muscles around the jaw and create more space within the joint capsule of the TMJ to allow greater ease for the articular disc to move when opening and closing your mouth. Mobilising techniques to the TMJ , postural correction, stretches, home exercises and neck and upper back treatment may also be indicated.
Don’t let jaw pain or constant clicking and popping sounds disrupt you in your daily life and come see one of our physios with skills in this area. You will be jaw-dropping amazed by the results.
Ask for our Physio with Skills in this area.
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If you’d like to make an appointment call us on 8346 2000 and we will find the right Physio for you. Or if you prefer, schedule a personalised consult right now with one of our caring Physiotherapists experienced in assessment, management and treatment by requesting a booking here. We would love to help you soon.
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